Bluebonnet Nutrition chelated chromium 90C
Bluebonnet Nutrition chelated chromium 90C
Chromium is an essential trace mineral. It might help keep blood sugar levels normal by improving the way the body uses insulin. People use chromium for chromium deficiency. It is also used for diabetes, high cholesterol, athletic performance, bipolar disorder, and many other purposes. Chromium chelate is a supplement that may help the body metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. It may also help the body move glucose from the bloodstream into cells for energy. Chromium may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar. Chromium may help prevent bone loss in women during menopause by slowing the loss of calcium. Low chromium levels may increase the risk of glaucoma. Chromium may help with PCOS by decreasing insulin resistance and lowering cholesterol levels. Because the body's metabolism.